If you cut us, we all bleed the same color.

It takes little courage to hop on social media and claim support for fighting a social evil—racism in America—once it's trending to do so. Sadly, lots of people join the parade because that's what the masses are doing.

Making Tuesday black-out posts and having black friends does not mean someone is not racist. And disagreeing with the mainstream narrative does not make someone racist.

The true test of one's fight against any social evil is digging deeper to find the truth. And then doing something about it.

One of my staff told me, "I know where your heart is, because you were interested in understanding the issues before the death of George Floyd."

Since day one, my mission has not changed: to inspire people to take ownership for their struggles, mistakes, and broken places on the inside, and channel that pain into life lessons that make them phenomenally strong.

I don't care if you are black, white, brown or green. I simply care that you live the fullest, most extraordinary life on planet earth, to your maximum potential. And trust me, your potential is so much more than you give yourself permission to believe.

Thank you, Eric and Derrick, for bringing to light what so many don't know or are afraid to face.

And my only question to you is one: What will you do about it?