Does amazon fba really work? Today, I answer the essential Amazon FBA questions...

In this Kniep'n it real podcast, meet, Andy, a non-assuming man who knows business. With not a buck to his name, Andy traveled to the US from Malaysia and plowed his way from hardly enough to buy a salad to an extremely successful owner of cell phone accessory stores in malls across Los Angeles county.

Here's how he did it: find a store that's dying, buy it, train the staff, promote the best employee to manager, scale into profits, and then go buy the next store.

In today's Kniep'n it real JODcast episode entrepreneur, Andy Chen asks Seth the following selling on Amazon questions:

1. Why is Amazon the best way to make money online right now? (Laugh when people ask: Is Amazon FBA over?)
2. What is the future of Amazon for sellers? Is Amazon FBA worth it in 2020?
3. What are the benefits for a third party seller, selling on Amazon FBA?
4. How do you deal with the competition on Amazon?
5. What is the biggest mistake Amazon sellers make?
6. How can Just One Dime help me succeed?