If you really want to reach your goals then you have to move to action even when you do NOT feel motivated. Today, Seth Kniep brings the heat in this new JODcast episode, speaking straight up on how to reach your goals and stay motivated. A lot of people think the only time they can work on my goals is when they feel motivated. But that’s not how motivation works.

Motivation is not just a feeling. Motivation comes from the word itself: “motive” which means you have desire and incentive to accomplish something. If the only time you work on your goal is when you’re in the mood then you really don’t have motivation, just impulse.

People who only work on their goals when they feel like it or when it’s convenient never reach their goals. And that is because they have not found lasting motivation yet.

How do I get motivated?

1. Write down what you want.

2. Write down the steps you must take to get what you want.

3. Take the steps even when you don’t feel like it.

4. Listen to a podcast on your goal for 15 minutes every day.

5.  Reach one chapter from a book on your goal every day.

6. Befriend people who are more advanced in your goal and listen to them.

7. When you get off track, get back up and go again!