Previous Episode: Relationship Anarchy
Next Episode: Red Flags

This week we are joined by Molly Moore as we talk about this weeks article written by Kayla Lords.

Who is Molly Moore

She is a blogger, a photographer, a published author, public speaker, and the operations director for Eroticon. She also living in a 24/7 D/s relationship with her partner DomSigns. She speaks openly about their relationship and has even been on Channel 4 to talk about how it works for them.

We have been wanting to get Molly on the show for some time and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do it.

So what it is realy like being in a 24/7 relationship

There is a lot of fantasy around what that sort of relationship must be like, but the reality is something very different. Like all realtionships it takes a lot of work to understand the other person in the relationship before you can even start to dive deep into the Domination and submission that both sides want.

Molly talks about how it works for her. What she wants and how they get to something that works for the both of them. She also shares her thoughts on what it takes to make this sort of relationship work and gives some tips on things you can do to make it work, and things you should avoid.

A lot of people in these sorts of relationships say they feel a very deep connection with their partner because opening up about how these things make you feel means you have to share a lot about who you are and what you want. But like all things, it takes work.

Don't miss Eroticon

Thank you too Molly Moore for coming onto the show this week. Make sure you check out Eroticon and come to this amazing event 4th - 5th March. We will be there, and we are really looking forward to it.

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