Previous Episode: Colour My Kink
Next Episode: Protectors

This week we are talking about our article Colour my kink written by Emmeline Peaches. Colour can have such a huge affect on your mood, so getting it right is very important.

This week we are also sticking to the new format of 30 minutes. Keeping it trimmed down as much as possible but that doesn't mean we don't have time for some rants.

Rants Little Shop of Horrors is being remade

There are a few films that I think should never be touched. Among them is the musical version of Little Shop of Horrors. Directed by Frank Oz (the voice of Yoda) in 1986 it is an incredibly tight and hilariously funny musical about a plant that wants to take over the world. The special effect still stand up now, and the cast is top notch. Remaking this can only make an inferior film, even if Rebel Wilson is in it.

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President Trump banns transgender people from serving in the military

Out of nowhere Donald Trump has decided to ban transgender individuals from serving in the military in any way. In what might ultimately be an illegal decision it is a sad day for the US.

To their credit The Pentagon came out and said they do not take orders by tweet, and they would have to see a signed order from the President before they would even consider what to do.

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Richard Littlejohn's homophobic rant

Published this week int he Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn posted a huge homophobic rant agains one of the Royal Navy's top generals when he came out saying he is glad we would not ban transgender people from serving.

In what is little more than a homophobic and transphobic tirade Littlejohn shows his true colours.

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