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This week we are talking about 9 sexy reads you should curl up with this winter. Written for us by Molly Moore. You can check out the article and see the fully list of books she recommends you check out.

Rant - Digital Economies Bill

This week the Digital Economies Bill was passed into law here int he UK and it is one of the most disturbing pieces of legislation every to come onto the books here in the UK.

Note at the time of recording it hadn't yet been signed into law, now it has.

It grants the government unpressidented powers to spy on innocent UK citizens. To see a list of every website they visit, hack their computers and phones, break into encryptions, block access to any site, and bring in age verification checks for porn sites.

All in the name of fighting terrorism and protecting the children.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

It sets up a state of affairs China, Russia, or Iran would be very happy with and it is amazing it has managed to slip passed us all with bearly an eye brow raised. Thanks to things like Brexit and Trump we have taken our eye off the ball.

Check out posts written by Girl on the Net and Pandora Blake to see what this really means.

Books for this winter

Checkout the post for a full list of all the sexy books recommended by Molly. There are some great authors in there. As well as some classic books.

One exception we would add if you want something different to read but want some erotica as well is Anaïs Nin. Her subversive stories will leave you with a lot to think about.

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