hey gang sorry i lied i didn't go to the CHAZ to ask people their opinions about sex offenders because it was raining and then a guy got shot and it's officially a bad trip up there now.  but this week we're talking about sex offenders and how american created a permanent underclass of people who are punished for life for what is often a single non-violent crime and how we'd be better off if we just punted them all in to the sun.  im kinda going out on a limb with this one and i really hope yall understand that we do this shit live so occasionally we don't use the right word or get exactly what we want to say right.  if you got a bone with something we said or didn't say hit me up on istagram at kings_of_democracy or email at [email protected] or just talk to me in person cause odds are you know me.  also i just want to unironically shout out every dude who works in childcare cause they're out trying to be good role models and break the mold that childcare is just for women.  yall heroes but not as much as the doctors but still heroes. 

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