Host Emma Boa-Durgammah is humbled to interview Sandra Wyatt in part 1 of a two-part interview! Sandra will share how God helped her navigate familial, health-related and vocational new beginnings among others with Christ-Centered courage and boldness. She is a walking miracle, a fact acknowledged by even doctors at John Hopkins.

Sandra is a Bold, Funny and Resilient Christ Representative as a mother to 5 grown children, Jason, Aprille, Heather, Brittaney and Tim, “Nana” to her 12 grandchildren, Entrepreneur, Artist and Executive Assistant. Sandra’s journey began when she accepted Christ at the age of 9 at a Presbyterian church in Birmingham.  In her 50+ years of being a Christian, she has walked through various stages of “brokenness” yet her faith, humor and love for God carried her through those difficult times. Sandra’s favorite Bible passage is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”. This has been foundational to living a life of courage and boldness in Jesus.

Emma would love to hear from you through email after the show [email protected]. More on Emma can be found at or A very special thanks to Alyce Metallo for her arrangement of Blessed Assurance (My Story), our opening song! Check her out at