So you’ve been praying and seeking the Lord through His Word, He has placed a new beginning in your heart and given you His Peace to move forward, you are thinking of starting or have started but are encountered obstacles or are feeling discouraged. This show is for you! Whether you are engaging in a new ministry, endeavor, relationship, job, or project or are thinking about it, you will want to tune in as Host Emma Boa-Durgammah addresses how Kingdom Work for Christ can take place with courage and boldness that will help you get through new beginnings from a Biblical Perspective. Tune in to find out more.


Every week, the Kingdom Work for Christ Online Radio Show addresses the Christ Follower's Purpose in God and how to practically represent Christ every day. Previous shows provide examples of how Kingdom Work for Christ can happen in any environment including: gossip, grief, abortion, youth, resting, chronic illness, the workplace, near death experiences, disagreement, speaking in truth, sexuality, rebuilding after a storm, among others. To listen to previous shows visit


Emma would love to hear from you through email after the show [email protected]. More on Emma can be found at or A very special thanks to Alyce Metallo for her arrangement of Blessed Assurance (My Story), our opening song! Check her out at