In this evocative episode with parenting expert Frank Pew, we embark on a journey exploring the multifaceted world of parenting challenges, particularly in managing big emotions and navigating the complexities of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) through Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Frank opens up about his experiences and expertise in managing the emotional whirlwinds that parents and children often encounter. He shares invaluable insights and practical DBT strategies, casting light on how they can be adeptly utilized to foster a supportive, understanding, and resilient environment at home. The conversation dives deep into the nuanced challenges and triumphs of parenting, providing a heartening guide to parents navigating through the emotive storms and serene moments alike.

Strategy Exploration: Awareness, Acceptance, Action

1. Awareness

Definition: Awareness entails a comprehensive understanding and cognizance of one's own self, the environment, and the intersectionality of both. It involves recognizing one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and how they interplay with environmental factors.

Importance in Strategy:

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Awareness allows an individual or organization to discern their competencies and areas needing improvement.Understanding Context: Grasping the nuances of the internal and external environment to comprehend where one stands amidst dynamic variables.


Continuous Learning: Engage in activities and practices that augment knowledge and perspective.Feedback Mechanisms: Employing tools and methods to gather feedback and analyze data relevant to performance and environmental conditions.2. Acceptance

Definition: Acceptance refers to the embracing of reality as it is – acknowledging the current situation, emotions, and thoughts without undue judgment or resistance.

Importance in Strategy:

Mitigating Resistance: Acceptance often mollifies resistance to change and fosters a more fluid transition through strategic shifts.Building Resilience: Establishing a mindset that absorbs and adapts to changes or challenges without becoming entrapped in denial or resistance.


Mindful Practices: Engage in mindfulness and reflective practices to be present and affirming toward the current state.Objective Evaluation: Conduct an unbiased assessment of situations to comprehend them without distortion or denial.3. Action

Definition: Action entails the intentional and directed effort towards achieving specific objectives, driven by the insights gathered through awareness and the acknowledgment cultivated through acceptance.

Importance in Strategy:

Translating Insights into Reality: Action is the bridge that converts strategic insights and plans into tangible outcomes.Initiating Change: It's the catalyst that propels the transition from the current state to a desired future state.


Strategic Planning: Developing a robust plan that delineates clear objectives, timelines, and responsibilities.Progress Monitoring: Employ systems and tools to track, analyze, and optimize the actions and initiatives being undertaken.Concluding Note:

Awareness, Acceptance, and Action coalesce to form a formidable strategy foundation.

Awareness ensures that strategy is rooted in a thorough understanding of the internal and external landscapes.

Acceptance guarantees that strategies are not crafted upon illusions or wishful thinking, but rather upon an authentic and unvarnished understanding of the reality.

Action ensures that the insights and realities acknowledged through awareness and acceptance are purposefully propelled towards achieving desired objectives.

This trinity ensures that strategy is not merely a theoretical construct but is deeply embedded in, and reflective of, the intricate realities and objectives of the entity deploying it. This ensures not only the relevance but also the efficacy and sustainability of the strategies employed.