Dr. Vaish Sarathy has a PhD in Environmental Chemistry and is trained in Functional Nutrition. She is a Functional Nutrition Educator, specializing in children with chronic health conditions.

After her son (who has Down Syndrome) was also diagnosed with Autism at the age of 4, Vaish left her job at Intel to invest her time into nutritional research. 

We discussed the following topics:

0:38 Tell us about your journey of becoming a paediatric Nutritionist
3:26: Sugar and dairy in kids’ nutrition
7:20: Why is dairy not favourable anymore? What has changed compared to the past?
11:38: Is Ghee (clarified butter) “dairy-free”?
13:43: Foods that help with constipation
17:30: Is there a diet that is “better” for kids?
18:26: Is honey better than sugar? What type of honey?
20:17: Is honey used in hot beverages still “healthy”?
20:35 How are diet and focus related?
22:58 which gluten free flours are good particularly for flat breads like Chapati or Roti?
25:11 Can food affect mood?