Previous Episode: Eureka
Next Episode: For Better or For Worse

In this podcast, James and I take some time to reflect and assess how the last year has been for us.  We are children of the 90s. We reminisce about what life was like before the advent of the internet.  

More importantly, how was your 2021? 
I sense that the present sentiment, during these covid times,  is that we are definitely “here” and “away” at the same time.  The life that is before us feels painful.  It’s a normal human reaction to retract from pain.  But closing oneself to these difficult times, hides us from the good that can come out of our painful experience.  Life isn’t one sided, embracing it all is the quintessence of experience. 

What are you hopeful for? 

I hope for balance. I want to be present for 2022 with cautious optimism. 
We’re all in this ride together, on our tiny little blue dot called planet earth. Although the last best decade may have come and gone, I remain hopeful. 

Ride or die
(can’t believe I’m quoting fast and the furious).