A concurrent book review of the wisdom found in Breath, a book by James Nestor & The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. 

The advancement of humanity, our ever growing desire to delegate and offshore our responsibilities, of what it means to be part of nature, has inevitably led to sub-contracting our well-being.  Automation over mindfulness.  

This is very much prevalent in our current age, but it started long ago.  When humans coined the idea of productivity for profit, we forgot, or at least ignored the very basic thing that makes us human.  We have  followed a process of “dysevolution”, coined by Harvard biologist Daniel Lieberman:  passing down traits that are detrimental to our health. 
Even down to our breath. 

We forgot how to breathe.  
Breath, prana, ch'i, life force.  This wisdom of old has been buried.  
It's time to unearth this discipline, to bring new life in our time.  

Are you breathing right now?  
(most of us don't, we tend to  hyperventilate)

Music: Dreamville by Reaktor