There is no doubt christianity shaped who I am today, for better or for worse. Remembering how heavily involved I was, heart-mind-soul (and money) to jesus, my christian past can still arouse some deep emotions.  
In my quest to awaken from religion, I came across professor Bart D. Ehrman’s work, who was once a staunch born again christian, now an agnostic.  Reading his work brought me solace - I wasn’t crazy after all. 

Prof. Ehrman’s aptly describes, in his book “God’s Problem”, why he is no longer a believer: 

“Some people think that they know the answers. Or they aren’t bothered by the questions. I’m not one of those people. I have been thinking intensely about these questions for many, many years.  I have heard the answers, and even though I once “knew’ and was satisfied with these answers, I am no longer satisfied” 

Here is a follow up conversation with my ex-husband on the aftermath of leaving our church.