As a wide-eyed, brainwashed christian, I thought I could change the world. 
I was mostly fattening up the wallets of middle-aged, maniacal korean men with a penchant for power.  
I now understand I can't change the world.  It isn't my problem to solve.  
I am ordinary.  
This is not pity, rather, it's an admission that I am part of a whole.   
To be special, an outlier, you will be set apart, burdened with an affliction to carry much suffering.   (Jebus got nailed...literally.)

Within myself, however, I can change the world.  
Some need help, some more than others.  Psychedelic was what I needed.  

Chapter 1: 1:18 It found me - Important Disclaimers, my "why"
Chapter 1.2: 4:59 Set, Setting and Safety
Chapter 2: 13:40  Science-y Stuff
Chapter 3: 19:11  So It Begins - Yamas and Niyamas
Chapter 4: 24:16  The Experience, the conversation at the well
Chapter 5: 34:04  Dénouement, détendre, relâcher 

Music: Dreamville by Reaktor & James Chang 
Books referenced: How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan; Drug Use for Grown Ups by Dr. Carl Hart; The Immortality Key by Brian C. Muraresku