Previous Episode: For Better or For Worse
Next Episode: Mentally Off Center

"Where's The Money? When Are You Going To Get The Money?  Why Aren't You Getting The Money Now? And So On. So Please, The Money.”

                                                                                                                                  Fat Tony 

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in sales? Of course you haven’t.  
The self-adulation, an environment where ego runs rampant amidst smiles with no meaning. 

…no wait that’s LinkedIn.

So back to my question, Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be in sales?
Why would you?  Sales is a profession that’s been portrayed ad nauseam, albeit only depicting two facets: the obnoxious closer, the “winner” who’s always “crushing it”, or the flaccid low-performer who can never catch a break. 
I submit that there is a middle ground, that of a salesman who likes their life outside the 9-5. 

Sales is a lot of grind, always having to put your best self forward, all the while hearing: 

“Where's The Money? When Are You Going To Get The Money?  Why Aren't You Getting The Money Now?  And So On. So Please, The Money.”

If you want to refine your sales skills, I would direct you to Start with Why (Simon Sinek),  Sell the way you Buy (David Priemer) and the Sun Tzu.

This conversation is for those who notices the absurdity of corporate life.  For those who can identify being in the trenches of sales.  Maybe we can pause in those difficult moments while pushing that rock uphill, so we may enjoy the descent as Camus said.

It’s hard to be crushing it all the time, every time.
So take care of yourself, and turn those notifications off.