We know, as spiritual entrepreneurs, everything is energy, and there are actually very specific energies when it comes to your spiritual business. Are you looking at your business and wondering, Why isn’t it doing what I want it to do? Why isn’t it flourishing? Why aren’t I getting the clients I am looking for? This week I talk about the three energies of your business and the attention they need in order to bring your spiritual business into alignment with your vision. When we focus, it’s amazing what we can achieve, so tune in to hear more on this topic and get out there and go serve!

Key Points: 

What happens when you don’t see your spiritual business as a living, breathing entity.

The three energies your business needs to thrive and grow.

The energy you are investing into your business vs. your expectations of the success of your business — are they out of balance?

If you want a six-figure business, you’re going to have to put the appropriate energy into it so that you can reap that level of abundance.

Thinking about and determining the “seeds” you must plant now to have the amazing spiritual business in the future. 


The world needs spiritual leaders now more than ever. The time is now. Don’t know where to start with your spiritual business? That’s why I created my free training, Jump-Start Your Spiritual Biz. Register here: www.jumpstartyourspiritualbiz.com


Happy Life by Fredji
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