I want to talk about sales and marketing this week and how these two things often feel uncomfortable for so many, especially for spiritual entrepreneurs. There is a reason for this. Once you realize what the problem is, you can overcome this and start attracting your ideal clients in a way that feels good. I also share how you can start implementing pull energy (effortless) rather than push energy (doesn’t feel good) to communicate with your tribe so that you can get into vibrational alignment with them and have a balanced energy exchange on multiple levels. I want to hear about your aha moment in connecting with your soul tribe, so tune into this week’s episode, where you will learn more on putting the first steps into practice and be on your way to making sales and marketing easy.

Key Points:

There is a missing piece when sales and marketing feel “icky,” and you feel like “nothing works.”

Two kinds of energy with sales and marketing: push energy and pull energy. One attracts and feels effortless. The other feels “hard” and pushes people away.

The three important things that happen when you have a true connection with your tribe.

If you feel like sales and marketing are hard, steps you can start to take now to connect with your ideal clients so that sales and marketing feel easy and effortless.


The world needs spiritual leaders now more than ever. The time is now. Don’t know where to start with your spiritual business? That’s why I created my free training, Jump-Start Your Spiritual Biz. Register here: www.jumpstartyourspiritualbiz.com


Happy Life by Fredji
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