This is episode seven in my 30 episode Prosperity Series where we are discussing how to break free from the program of scarcity.

And today we're going to talk about why poverty is really just a mental disease.

A couple of years ago, my husband and I gave a talk at a Dimensions of Disclosure event and the title of our talk was Poverty Is A Mental Disease. People were ticked off at us, really triggered, we said that poverty was a mental disease. But it's true! And so if I've triggered you with that, I'm going to say good as I always do, because this is an opportunity for you to expand. So just bear with me on this.
Since you're an awakened being, and I'm pretty sure you are because you're listening to me, then you know that you create your reality. And if you create your reality, that means everything you see around you is the creation based off of the vibration that you hold, your vibrational frequency.

Everything around you in the 3d is just a reflection back of your vibration. It shows you where your frequency is. And since we know that we create our reality and everything that we see is a result of how we feel and where we're vibrating, then we know we create our scarcity and we know we create our poverty.

Now I know that's hard for some people to grasp because we want to look at people and we want to say, “but they don't have a chance because of x situation.” We look at all the 3D circumstances and, ooh, I hate to say it, but we make excuses for someone. We're failing at that moment to see that person in their absolute, highest light. And we're looking at them as that “poor person.” That is the last thing we want to do as spiritual leaders.

As spiritual leaders, we need to see everyone in their absolute, highest light, knowing that they have God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe is flowing through them constantly, and that they have the capability and the power to remember who they are and create whatever it is they desire.

But what happens is that we're never taught how to think properly. We are creating our scarcity. We are creating our poverty. We are creating everything that we see in our 3D, so that when we say that poverty is a mental disease, it just means we haven't mastered our thoughts. And any time you're in scarcity or in fear around money it is because you haven't mastered the creative ability of your mind. You have forgotten how powerful you are. You have forgotten that Source flows through you constantly, that we are a creation of God's imagination. And that everything that we do is part of God's imagination, acted out here, 3D.

That is so powerful, it is beyond our comprehension. And I think that's part of the problem, is that it's really hard for us to comprehend us acting out God’s imagination. We can say the words, but we're missing that full understanding, that deep knowing, that that's true. And because we haven't quite got our heads around it, we see ourselves as weak. We see ourselves as victims of the situation, instead of remembering that we are so powerful that we can create whatever reality we want. We are so powerful, we can create a 3D reality of poverty or scarcity. We're also so powerful that we can create a 3D reality of prosperity, abundance and joy. We can create whatever we want.

So let me ask you, what are you creating? Do you like what you're seeing? Because if you don't like what you're seeing in the 3D what's happening is that you've forgotten how powerful you are. You're not tapping into your full potential. The potential of the human being and the human mind is unbelievable. And we've all heard the stories that sound like miracles. Someone suddenly manifests a lot of money or something beautiful happens to them in a series of coincidences. But they are not coincidences and they are not miracles. Well, it is a miracle, but it's a miracle that we can all create because we are powerful.

When it comes to prosperity versus poverty, the difference is actually a very tiny shift in how we think and how we feel. It's a very tiny shift in the understanding of how powerful we are. It is taking those thoughts of poverty, lack, scarcity, fear, taking all of those thoughts and transmuting them into something more powerful and more positive and a higher vibration.

So how do we do that? There's the big question you're like, “Great, I know that, now how do I actually do it?” First, go back to episode six, where I talked about how there should not be any emotion tied to money. And in that episode, I covered the fact that there's no emotion because it's energy. We can't have emotion around energy, that doesn't make any sense. I also discussed that we have to remember that we're so powerful that we created that situation with our higher-self so we can expand and grow. Now that we know not to attach emotion to money, let's go back to those poverty thoughts. When those thoughts occur, take that thought and transmute the thought. Instead of being like, "Oh my God, I'm not going to have enough money.” Look at the situation and shift it and say, “How cool I've created the situation again! I don't know why I've created the situation, just yet, but I'm excited to see how I'm going to expand and grow.”

You have to shift your energy around it not allow the emotion and the fear around money to rise up in you. You cannot allow the feelings of poverty and scarcity to rule your thoughts, feelings. You can't allow that to happen. You have to remember how powerful you are and that you get to choose what you think and you get to choose what you feel. So how are you going to feel about that money?Remember, there should be no emotion. Say, “There's that energy again. Let's watch it flow in and let's watch it flow out.” As it flows out, know that it's going to flow back. There is an ebb and a flow. It's part of nature, everything ebbs and flows. We have four seasons to show us that.

You have to transmute the thoughts that you're having and shift them into a higher vibration. But you also don't want to do something where you're creating some resistance within you. So you’re not going to create affirmations that say, “I am wealthy” because your mind is going to go “Well, wait a minute, that's not exactly true.” You'd want to create some sort of thought replacement that feels easy. This is about mastering your thoughts. It's about mastering you. And it's about shifting those thoughts and transmuting them into something that feels good with no resistance. So create a new phrase. It could be “money flows freely to me”. Only if it feels right. Does it create resistance? Maybe you're like, “Well, where's the money coming from?” If you don't know how it’s flowing to you, it could create resistance. So it could be something that just so simple as “peace and prosperity.” Don't make it overly complicated. It does not have to be complex, but you do have to be diligent. You have to be, be incredibly diligent. So each time you have a thought about money that you know is going to lead you down the path of scarcity and poverty that you have the power to shift.

That’s an exciting thing you could hear. You are so powerful. You have the power to shift that thought and turn it from a thought that's creating the mental disease of poverty to a thought that can create this beautiful thing called prosperity and abundance.

I’d love to hear the thoughts you're going to create to help you transmute the lower vibration thoughts that you may be having around money. Take a picture of this podcast, posted out on social media and tag me. And you are not going to want to miss an episode. We have 30 episodes to go through all talking about prosperity and how to break free of this mental disease of poverty. So subscribe to the podcast. And if you like what you're hearing, leave a review so we can deliver more great content to you. I will catch you in the next episode.


Key Points:

We are so powerful we can create poverty We are so powerful we can create prosperity When you can control your thoughts you can control your abundance


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