This is episode eight in my 30 episode Prosperity Series where we are discussing how to heal yourself from the mental disease of poverty.

And today’s big question is, are your money beliefs even yours?

Our money beliefs. If you listened to episode seven, I was talking about how poverty is a mental disease, and it's a mental disease because our thoughts are what create our reality, right? Our thoughts and feelings create the reality that we see. So it really is a mental disease. Now, when we think about this disease of poverty, we have to then ask ourselves, how did you catch that disease? Where did it come from? Where did those beliefs, those thoughts about money, where do they come from? And you know, what's crazy. I bet you that they're not even yours. I bet you, those thoughts were handed to you from people around you. They were handed to you from your parents. They were handed to you from your friends, your family, acquaintances, they were handed to you from all these people. And then as human beings, we knew this incredible thing and we'll take those beliefs and we assimilate them into our subconscious.

And we begin to believe that those beliefs are true when they're probably not true, because if you're looking at the people around you, the people who gave you those beliefs, if they are in scarcity, if they're not living a prosperous life, if they are not abundant, then the beliefs that they shared with you are false. We know this because it's the false beliefs that create the scarcity and poverty.

These “truths” that we've been told about money that are all a pack of lies. Isn't it crazy, pretty much everything you've learned about money in the past is probably not true. And you know they are not true because you're not seeing the abundance in front of you. If your beliefs are solid about money, then that means your 3D reality reflects that abundance. There's ease and flow with the prosperity around you. It's not a lot of hard work. It's part of who you are.

These thoughts, these things we've been told about money, we have to do some work around them because they’ve been ingrained in you, especially if your parents had some very strong money beliefs, and it really has become a part of your subconscious.

Let's take a look at what some of the beliefs could be that you are carrying around. Could be something like, when you have a lot of money it changes you or makes you greedy or bad. Maybe there's a belief that people who have a lot of money are swindlers. My dad likes to say this one, he likes to say, “Oh, they must have money to burn." He looks at something that someone purchased, and because he's in so much scarcity, he just thinks that these people must have money to burn. And I look at him, I shake my head. I'm like, “And that is why you've never had money.” But that's another story. And I digress.

There's also the stuff that we've been told. If you grew up in a church setting, we've been told that money is evil and that it's hard for the rich man to get into heaven. And we're actually going to break those down in the next few episodes, because those are false hoods as well. And we'll go into detail about that, but for now, let's just look at where those beliefs come from.

One of the biggest falsehoods I hear is that we have to work hard for money. I actually had a client the other day, we were talking about money because we talk a lot about money in my Spiritual Biz Coaching and Bootcamp programs (we have to, because I can show someone all the amazing marketing stuff in the world and none of it will work if they're repelling money). We were talking about money and she was saying how, when it comes easy, when things just flow, that she gets scared because she's like, “Oh my God, that was too easy. What's going to happen now?” So of course she creates that reality and something disastrous will happen or she'll need to spend money on something that needs to be repaired immediately. And she's created that reality because she believes it can be easy. In fact, it should be easy…ease and flow. That's it... ease and flow. That's what being prosperous is all about.

Look at the beliefs that you have and ask yourself, where did this come from? Did you create that belief? Is that from your actual experience or have you created experiences to support the belief because that belief was handed to you by someone else? That’s a big question. I know with me in my family, gosh, my family believed you have to work really hard. And they always looked at you weird when you made too much money. When I was working on Wall Street and was doing incredibly well, my family would look at me like I was doing something wrong and it was weird. I actually felt guilty for a long time about creating abundance. I was like, well, maybe I shouldn't be here. Maybe I don't need all of this. And I started to question my creative power as a prosperous being.

I had to come to terms with the fact that those were their beliefs, that that was their stuff. And that I am here to be as prosperous and abundant as possible. And it should just flow with ease. It should flow right to me when I'm in alignment with money and I see it as something that's energy and a part of who I am. It is not outside of me.

Take a look at your money beliefs. Do this exercise, grab pen and paper, sit down and write out all of the beliefs that are popping up. Another one I hear a lot from my clients is that “I don't need that much. I don't really need that much.” That's just a cop out. That statement is just repelling money day and night. That statement alone shows that you have forgotten how powerful you are and what your real purpose here is on this planet, because our purpose is to be abundant and to thrive.

So you take a pen and paper, write out all the beliefs that you can think of. There's probably a dozen or more, write them out, take a look at them and think about where did you get them from? From a parent? Did it come from a sibling? And then what I want you to do is I want you to take that belief and then transmute it. Turn it into something amazing. Take the thought of, “I have to work hard for money” and turn it into “money flows to me with ease”. Take the belief that says “wealthy people are bad people and do evil things” and flip it to, “I get to imbue the energy of whatever I want into money and I can imbue it with the energy of love and do amazing things with it.” Take each statement, do a little alchemy, turn it into something amazing. And then forgive the people that gave you the original belief.

It's time for you to create your own beliefs. These need to be your beliefs that you own, that are coming from you. Not from anyone else, not even from me. They need to come from nobody but you. Create these new beliefs around money and hold them close to your heart. Feel them in every cell of your body, because that is how you are going to begin to master your thoughts so you can cure yourself from this mental disease of poverty. It is time for light workers everywhere to be abundant because the world would be an entirely different place if the lightworkers were abundant. And if we all got it, we all got the idea that it is energy and it's everywhere. We can all be prosperous and we can all have an incredible, incredible life.

Create your own beliefs and forgive the people that gave you those beliefs. They were just doing the best they could. They got those beliefs from someone else as well. Just know they were doing the best that they could. But you need to commit to yourself that you're going to master your thoughts so that you can cure yourself in the mental disease of poverty. And this is the first step.

You're not going to want to miss an episode, make sure you subscribe to this podcast. And if you like what you're hearing, leave a review so that we can deliver more amazing content to you. And I will catch you in episode nine.


Key Points:

Your money beliefs probably don’t even belong to you It is time to create your OWN beliefs Forgive those who gave you false beliefs, they were doing the best they could


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