This is also episode 27 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

Today we discuss why having money does not make you prosperous.

This is a great topic. I want to bring some clarity to the difference between prosperity and money. I touched upon this in the very first episode of the prosperity series when I talked about the difference between prosperity and abundance. The word “abundance” can sometimes feel a little off. The question is, abundant in what? It also feels like you're either abundant or you aren’t. Plus what makes you abundant? The vibration feels a bit off for me.

However, I really resonate with the word prosperity because to be prosperous includes everything about your life. It's not just money. It's about having peace of mind, to be healthy and thriving. Peace of mind also means that you have money flowing to you so that you can have peace of mind and not be worried, because we know one of our greatest worries and stresses on this planet is money. When we're prosperous, everything just flows. It's ease and flow. That's how our life should be.

Many times when I'm talking about prosperity, money and spirituality, people get their feathers ruffled. They say, “It's not just about the money!!!” And, yes, their right, however, it is also about the money. We can't ignore money and we can't treat money badly and then expect to be prosperous. It doesn't work that way. Money wants to be treated well. It wants to feel your love. It wants to know that it's welcome in your life. If it's not welcomed, then why is it going to show up for you? It's not! If you're constantly saying, “ I don't need that much, I don't need money”, or if you think that the people who have a lot of money aren't the best people, all you're doing is repelling money away. It doesn't want to come to you. Why would it? It wants to go somewhere where it's cared for.

A good portion of my clients volunteered to be part of my Prosperity Patterns, beta test group. They had to commit to all the things we've been talking about in this series, like tithing and they had to commit to follow this process. The first thing I had them do was make sure that their wallet was nice. Where are you putting your money? Are you shoving your money in your purse or back pocket? Or are you actually taking money and laying it out and caring for it?

For me, I have a beautiful wallet. When I first started this process, it was just an inexpensive wallet, but I made sure that it was long enough for the bills to lay flat so I could organize them and see them. I loved that wallet and eventually wore it out. I took great care in finding my new wallet. It is high quality and gorgeous, with a magenta color on the inside. I really care for the money that goes in there. No receipts and trash in my wallet. On top of that, I also put a hundred dollar bill in there so that I can always feel prosperous. I can always feel secure and safe, knowing if something happens, I always have the emergency hundred dollars in there. Just knowing that it's there makes me feel prosperous and abundant because I know I'm taking care of, always.

You have to really be thinking about how you're treating your money so that the money wants to come to you. Also know that part of being prosperous and thriving on this planet is calling in the money. It is your vibration that calls in the financial abundance so that you can be the best version of yourself. That's why we're here. We're not here to struggle. We're not here to suffer. We're not here to be angry all the time, as so many people are, we are here to thrive on this planet. And that means being prosperous. That means having peace of mind, body, and spirit. When we have an abundance of money flowing to us, we are peaceful. We're not stressed.

Now let’s talk about what it means to be prosperous. Prosperity means everything in your life is in flow. You may see people that have a lot of money, but they might not be prosperous. Maybe they're sick, physically, mentally or spiritually. They might be carrying around anger or revenge. So just because someone has money does not make them prosperous.

Our goal is spiritual beings, and frankly it should be everybody's goal, is to be prosperous. To live in peace… mind, body, and spirit. In peace and in harmony with everything around you. Once we know what it feels like to be prosperous every now and then, it is time to master ourselves so that we can maintain not feeling for the rest of our lives. We may slip up every now and then, we are human after all, but we must be able to always come back to being in alignment with prosperity. I don't know why everyone doesn’t make this their top priority. Why would we not focus and give her energy towards being prosperous and thriving beings on this planet? That is what we are here for.

When we stand up as a role model, as a spiritual being who is prosperous and happy and joyful, other people will pick up on that and they'll want to be around you. They're going to ask you, “What are you doing? How can you help me be like you?” And who knows, maybe that's how your whole spiritual business takes off because they see you being prosperous and they want to know how you do it.

Know that it is actually your duty to be prosperous here on this planet and live a thriving life. That is what you deserve. And that is what God's source infinite intelligence intended for you.

This was episode 27, we only have three episodes left of the prosperity series and you're not going to want to miss the last episodes. Make sure you subscribe to this podcast, and if you like what you're hearing, leave a review. I will catch you in the next episode.


Key Points:

Just because someone has money does not make them prosperous Prosperity is peace of mind, body and spirit Money wants to go where it is cared for


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