This is also episode 26 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

You may have heard me say that money is a test of our spiritual strength. And today we're going to talk about why that's true.

When I say, “Money as a test of our spiritual strength,” that gives people a bit of a wobble. They retort, “I can be spiritual without money.” But here's why that's not exactly true.

Of course we know money is energy and money is a creation of Source. It's actually divine substance, like everything around us. We can't say one thing is divine substance and something else is not divine substance, because everything around us is divine substance. It's all part of the creation coming from the imagination of Source, God, Infinite Intelligence, manifest in our 3D.

Someone might say, “But if it is all divine substance, how can “bad” things happen?” So yes, there is contrast in our world. It is a combination of our free will, don’t forget we get to make choices and not all of them appear to serve us in the moment, but mostly contrast is here for us to level up and harness the power behind our emotions so that we can master this time here on this place called planet earth.

Money is spiritual. Not only is it energy like we talk about, but it also can be in multiple places at once and it isn’t actually physical, it exists in the ether. Even the physical money that we have is not backed by anything like gold. It used to be backed by gold and in the seventies, then Nixon stopped that process. Now it really is just this energy that floats around in the ether. Money literally flies through the ether between banks and shopkeepers and even yourself. Every time you make a payment and you use that little thing called a debit card or credit card, you are just passing energy through the ether.

Now we clearly see that it is spiritual, divine substance, energy. So how is it a test of our spiritual strength? Everything we see in our 3D world is here for us because we decided, in conjunction with our higher self, that it was going to be a whole lot of fun to come here and play this game. And every little bit of contrast that we face in the 3D is here to help us be a better version of ourselves. The contrast comes in to wake us up, for us to learn a lesson and to grow from the contrast.
Money is one of the biggest contrasts that we see in this 3D world. It's a contrast because we're constantly striving for it, and it feels like a whole lot of hard work to get it. Then, as spiritually awakened beings, can also have an awareness that money can have a low vibration. But when we realize that money is divine substance, that it is energy, and that it's the energy of the people using it that creates the low vibration, then we're able to shift.

But it's a big opportunity for growth to make that shift because we have been conditioned to look at money and think it's bad. Since we were little, we were told it was bad. And we were given all these limiting beliefs around money and the people that have money. Part of our game here in this 3D is to master ourselves, and mastering ourselves around money is a huge piece because when we're looking at money and our bank account and the balance isn't where we want it to be, what happens? We get nervous and we fall into scarcity. But if we remember that we are connected to Source and it is flowing through us in every moment of every day… if we knew that in every cell of our body, we would never be in scarcity. We would never be in fear or lack around money. We would “get it.” We would get that it is divine substance, energy, that flows through us constantly. That's why you hear me say that money comes from us.

When we begin to master ourselves, master our thoughts, master our emotions. and we master the vibration in which we are living in every moment of the day, that's when abundance and prosperity begin to flow to us. But we have to master ourselves first. And when we don't master ourselves, we repel all sorts of things away from us, and that includes money.

I did a post in my spiritual business success Facebook group the other day. And all I did was ask a question, I posted, “Trigger alert, True or False: Poverty is a mental disease.” Now this is a group of people that claim they want to be spiritual entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders, which means they want to step out and help people. And yet the number of people that had a meltdown around that question was actually unbelievable. I was a little shocked. I knew there was going to be a wobble around it, but I was surprised by the low vibration, negative and really horrific behavior of some of the people in the group. It was a test and they failed. They failed miserably because they were unable to hold their vibration around a simple question. I mean, if you can't hold your vibration, and your knowing of who you are, over a Facebook post, then how in the world are you going to go out and teach people how to be a better version of themselves? You have to get yourself together before you can help anyone else. When we get ourselves together, then we're in full prosperity and money flows to us. And all the things that come with prosperity, which is health, positive energy, love, and success (whatever that means for you, prosperity is a different definition for every single person).

To be prosperous is to live in a moment of knowing that you can create whatever you desire, because you're connected to Source. There's no worry when you're fully prosperous, you are in flow with Source. That's what prosperity is. You have to master yourself to be fully prosperous. When we begin to master ourselves, that's when prosperity flows to us because we're not worried. It's just ease and flow, which is what life on this planet should be like.

So, when money comes into your reality, how are you reacting to it? What's the thought process? Do you see a bill come in and you panic? Do you look at your account and think there's not enough in there?

Money is a universal desire for everyone on this planet, we all desire it and we all need it to thrive. Money is our greatest test to see if we can keep ourselves in a high vibration without too much of a wobble. I truly believe it is one of our greatest tests on this planet. It's a test for every single person because everyone has the need for money to thrive. Be aware of your vibration around money. What are your thoughts when you're dealing with money? What are you feeling when you're dealing with money? Do you panic?

Money is just a symbol. It is just a symbol of how well you have mastered yourself and your vibration. That's why it's a test. That's a great test for all of us. And if we can master this test, we will all be flowing in prosperity, always.

I'd love to hear your aha moment from this episode. Take a picture of this podcast, posted out in social media and come on by and say, hi. We have four episodes left in our prosperity series, and you're not going to want to miss them so make sure you subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you're hearing, leave a review. I'll catch you in the next episode.

Key Points:

You Spouse is your greatest teacher Money is a test of our spiritual strength Lead by being an example of prosperity


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