Are you seeing your financial situation as a gift? Usually when we’re looking at our bank account, we’re hoping there is something more than what’s in there. And when we look, we feel a moment of panic or dread.

But what we need to realize is that when our bank account is not where we want it to be, it is a gift, because it is contrast! It is an opportunity for us to tap into the power that is sitting there before us. When we see contrast in our lives to take us to a whole new level of who we are and to tap into the power that we’re ‘ignoring’ or ‘missing’ because we’re so caught up in the 3D world.

When we know that everything is part of our creation, then that means the numbers in our bank account are our creations as well! The money is not coming from outside of us, it is coming from us which is super exciting because that means we get to change our reality with a new creation!

Tune in to this podcast to find out just how to change your mindset around your bank balance and how to see the contrast as an opportunity for growth.

Key Points:

The money in your account isn’t real. It’s created by us and this means we can change it. We created contrast to give ourselves opportunity for growth This is an opportunity for us to level up and tap into the power that we’re ignoring.

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Happy Life by Fredji
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