Today we’re talking about the inner work vs. the outer work.

The other day someone said they just wanted to know how to find their tribe, WITHOUT doing the inner work. They said, ‘just show me how to do it’. I am guessing they expected me to say, “Sure, you just need to start a FB Group and run ads.” But that is not how it works. I know this person is going to struggle because they are missing the bigger picture.

In order to really succeed, you need to do the inner work. There isn’t some easy ‘quick fix’ method to being successful, you need to go within. Who do you have to become to have the business you desire? Who is that person? And without doing the inner work, the 3D success cannot manifest. Whenever you set a goal and you can’t reach that goal, stop and take stock of you. Are you the person that can achieve this goal?

You cannot separate the inner work from the outer work. Our reality is our creation.
Tune in to this podcast to find out how to be in alignment with your goals, the importance of doing the innerwork and finding out who you need to be in order to achieve your goals.

Key Points:

Why doing the innerwork matters to reach your goals The inner and outer work need to be aligned, one cannot work without the other in order to be successful! How to move past limiting beliefs and doing the inner work before dealing with the outerwork

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Happy Life by Fredji
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