Does it feel like money is eluding you and you just can't get enough? Money is energy, and it comes from us not to us, so when our bank balance isn’t what we expected, then we need to look within. Who do I have to become, to have the bank account that I desire? Who is that person vibrationally? Get into that person’s mindset, who they are in their everyday lives, what they think and feel. When we shift the inner workings in ourselves, that's when our reality shifts.

When you realise that money and everything around us is coming from our creative power, then the 3D reality of it is just an illusion. So all you need to do is shift internally to create the 3D thing you desire.

Tune in to this episode to find out how to shift vibrationally and emotionally, including how to have a vibrationally aligned relationship that also reflects the life you desire and the person you want to become. I further talk about how to be in vibrational alignment to attract anything you want to create the life that you desire.

Key Points:

Getting into the mindset of the person you want your bank balance to reflect. We create our own reality. How to shift internally to create the 3D thing you desire. How to be in vibrational alignment with the person you want to become and have the life you want.

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Happy Life by Fredji
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