Your Spiritual Biz… Is making money with your spiritual gifts an oxymoron? I hear this question all of the time, and I get it. We have been taught that spirituality should be free; you shouldn’t charge for your “gift.” However, there needs to be an energy exchange. If you’re going to give, you must also receive. There needs to be a balance. Tune in this week to hear more on why you should only be earning an income by living your purpose, being in alignment with Source, and serving others.

Key Points: 

Unpacking the belief that your spiritual business is an oxymoron and why some people may be asking that question.

Identifying the limiting beliefs around charging for your spiritual gift.

Why it’s important for there to be a balanced energy exchange in your spiritual business.

The problem with earning money in a situation where you are out of alignment with Source (i.e., going to a job you don’t like).

The importance of creating money through the creative inspiration of Source with your spiritual business so that you can have a ripple effect on the planet.

Imagine if all of the light workers and healers were abundant and thriving. It’s incredible to think how the world could change.


The world needs spiritual leaders now more than ever. The time is now. Don’t know where to start with your spiritual business? That’s why I created my free training, Jump-Start Your Spiritual Biz. Register here:


Happy Life by Fredji
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