In the convergence of gastronomy and technology, Fisayo Oluwadiya stands at the forefront, embodying the fusion of engineering, culinary artistry, and entrepreneurship. This week, our conversation delves into her brainchild, Resactly, a pioneering AI-powered restaurant recommendation system that promises to reshape how we navigate the culinary landscape. A Palatable Blend of Passions Fisayo, an engineer, […]

In the convergence of gastronomy and technology, Fisayo Oluwadiya stands at the forefront, embodying the fusion of engineering, culinary artistry, and entrepreneurship. This week, our conversation delves into her brainchild, Resactly, a pioneering AI-powered restaurant recommendation system that promises to reshape how we navigate the culinary landscape.

A Palatable Blend of Passions

Fisayo, an engineer, food writer, and entrepreneur, breaks the mold of a conventional techie. She ingeniously intertwines her love for coding and gastronomy, giving birth to Resactly, a web application poised to revolutionize how we experience and explore food. The synergy between these seemingly disparate worlds sparks a delectable journey into the future of dining.

Resactly: A Gastronomy Navigator

At its core, Resactly transcends the conventional boundaries of restaurant recommendations. It's a guide and a gastronomic companion, utilizing AI to tailor suggestions based on individual preferences and dietary requirements. Have you ever felt misled by subjective restaurant reviews? Resactly emerges as a beacon of objectivity, akin to a trusted friend who comprehends your palate intricately.

The platform's innovation doesn't halt at recommendations; it seamlessly integrates with restaurants, ushering in a new era of culinary understanding. This elevated interaction between users and establishments signifies a monumental leap forward, surpassing the limitations of traditional methods and embracing a more nuanced, user-centric approach.

The Journey from Idea to Culinary Innovation

Venturing into the startup arena is daunting, with roughly 90% failing within their first year. Strikingly, the restaurant industry shares a similar fate, where 60% do not celebrate their first anniversary. Combining these two volatile worlds, as Fisayo has done with Resactly, is a brave endeavor—a testament to her passion and tenacity.

Reflecting on Fisayo's journey from ideation to innovation, our conversation parallels my entrepreneurial ventures. I share my narrative of initiating 13 startups on credit cards, culminating in a triumphant IPO. The emphasis lies on the driving force of innovation – passion. It's the unwavering commitment that propels ideas into transformative realities.

Navigating Entrepreneurial Challenges

In the entrepreneurial arena, challenges are inevitable. For Resactly, securing funding emerged as a significant hurdle. Fisayo, however, candidly shares these realities, offering a transparent look into the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. This openness underscores the resilience required to navigate the unpredictable landscape of startup ventures.

The Future of Gastronomy: A Glimpse

In conclusion, our conversation serves as a captivating peek into the future of food technology. It illuminates the transformative role of AI in enhancing our dining experiences, emphasizing the indispensable role of passion in propelling innovation forward. Fisayo's call for early-stage tech exploration and user feedback is a poignant reminder that we all play a part in shaping this exciting future.

As we embark on this gastronomic journey, let's actively contribute to Resactly's evolution. Join us in testing Resactly and be part of the culinary revolution. Visit and indulge in the future of personalized dining experiences.


To learn more about the convergence of technology and food, listen to this week's show: Startup Stories: Resactly's AI Meets Gastronomy

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