During CES 2024, the innovative products and concepts on display showed the exciting future of technology. OliverIQ debuted to the public with its unique home automation platform. This versatile solution streamlines the process of turning your home “smart.” Founders Will West, and Eric Smith presented OliverIQ as a solution that turns connectivity across devices into […]

During CES 2024, the innovative products and concepts on display showed the exciting future of technology. OliverIQ debuted to the public with its unique home automation platform. This versatile solution streamlines the process of turning your home “smart.” Founders Will West, and Eric Smith presented OliverIQ as a solution that turns connectivity across devices into a service that caters to those looking to use technology as a helpful addition to their homes. In this episode, we delve into how West and Smith used out-of-the-box thinking to find a solution consumers didn’t know needed solving.

Will West on OliverIQ

Will West, CEO and Co-founder of OliverIQ, set out with a clear goal of bringing automation to the mainstream market. Producers in home automation were marketing more toward the high-income consumer while the average household could not enjoy the same benefits. With installation and maintenance fees inflated, there was a need for a streamlined and cost-effective service for the everyday user. After decades of perfecting, we created OliverIQ to break down these barriers. With OliverIQ, your smart devices, such as doorbells, lights, and speakers, work together to create an enjoyable experience for you, the consumer. Not only are your devices connected to a user-friendly platform, but any problems your devices face can be fixed by servicing agents through the app with a simple call to around-the-clock agents. This practical solution takes the hassle away from the consumer.

“By 2025, the average American home will contain 500 smart devices, transforming even the simplest of daily routines into a futuristic experience. Think about it. In a world wired for connection, your home is just one ‘Hey Siri' away from becoming your personal assistant.”

If you have a problem with plumbing in your home, you would call a plumber, and OliverIQ takes a similar approach in their product strategy. When issues arise with your home devices, instead of you having to take care of them or find a willing installation company to fix the problem, OliverIQ will find a way to fix the problems of multiple devices for you. Technology lovers design OliverIQ for technology lovers. It brings convenience, efficiency, and enjoyment into the lives of everyday people at an affordable price.

Eric Smith on OliverIQ

CTO and fellow Co-founder Eric Smith combined his decades of experience in research and knowledge in the automation field to perfect OliverIQ. He faced challenges as unique problems arose with the ever-changing tide of technology. He realized one glaring problem in the home automation arena. Due to automation decay—the natural process of devices experiencing problems such as glitches, going offline, or undergoing updates—users constantly find themselves fixing multiple devices in the home. Usually, the fixing falls to the user to figure out. There needed to be a way for these devices to be maintained simultaneously on a more significant level. There needed to be consistency and a higher level of performance. OliverIQ found the solution to home automation problems by looking at the channels used to solve this problem and finding a way to integrate multiple technologies across one platform.

Consumers don’t need to find an installer willing to fix the problem because the tech support channel takes care of the problem. Users also don’t need to worry about technology not working together or a device having problems. OliverIQ streamlines multiple devices and brands to work together smoothly to provide the home experience you want by setting the lights to a specific shade or thermoset to a particular temperature. OliverIQ brings the consumer a specialized experience at a low cost.


OliverIQ is a novel platform that bridges the gap between technology and home life. It creates a seamless experience for users and takes the stress of fixing devices off the shoulders of consumers by using around-the-clock representatives who are ready to help. Using innovative designs, OliverIQ makes home automation systems easy to set up, use, and maintain together.

To learn more about the future of home automation, listen to this week's show: Exploring the Future of Home Automation with OliverIQ’s Will West and Eric Smith.

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