In this episode of Killer Innovations, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ken Grelck, SVP of Sales at Calix, about the company's impressive transformation from a hardware-focused organization to a cloud and software-centric business. Ken shed light on how Calix concentrates on improving customer experience, regardless of the size of their network. Their dedication […]

In this episode of Killer Innovations, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ken Grelck, SVP of Sales at Calix, about the company's impressive transformation from a hardware-focused organization to a cloud and software-centric business. Ken shed light on how Calix concentrates on improving customer experience, regardless of the size of their network. Their dedication to customer experience is central to their shift toward software-defined networks.

Ken and I explored how this transformation has impacted the cable industry, discussing Calix's decade-long journey and $1 billion investment in creating a platform that optimizes customer problem resolution. A significant shift in operator skill sets within the organization also marked this transformation. Michael Weaning, ex-Salesforce executive, joined Calix as President, playing an instrumental role in changing the company's customer engagement approach.

“Innovation is not just about creating; it's about transforming with purpose and then illuminating the world with its potential.”

Calix's Service Cloud and Ops Cloud solutions are reshaping customer service through invaluable data insights that help service reps and technicians, significantly reducing call times and boosting efficiency. These solutions are products of Calix's commitment to innovation. Our team at CableLabs collaborated with Calix on a co-innovation project, Adrenaline, which spearheaded hardware acceleration through an open-source approach. This project was a true testament to the power of remote collaboration and the impact of technology on hardware capabilities.

Our conversation also touched on Calix's innovation strategies and culture. They cultivate innovation around market needs, gathering inputs from their 1800 customers via leadership advisory boards. Their approach embodies a broad-market focus, avoiding innovation targeted at specific customers.

Ken provided insights into Calix's groundbreaking product, Smart Town, which arose from customer recommendations. Developed over 12-18 months, it addressed the digital divide exacerbated by the pandemic. Smart Town is a stellar example of innovation turning into a mission, intending to bridge the digital divide in rural and tribal areas in the U.S. We both believe that serving these communities should be about the greater good rather than just economic benefit.

“Innovation without ethics is just a ticking time bomb waiting to cause unintended consequences.”

Our discussion moved onto the ethical aspects of innovation, particularly concerning AI and child safety. Ken and I agreed on protecting children from online threats, making AI monitoring tools increasingly vital. The conversation reflected on the challenges of protecting older children, the role of parents in this task, and the potential unintended consequences of innovation.

Responding to my question, “What are you most curious about?” Ken spoke about his curiosity and concerns about the impact of AI. Our conversation underlined the importance of considering potential negative consequences while harnessing AI's potential.

This episode underscored the complex intersection of innovation, transformation, and ethics in our ever-evolving tech landscape.

 To learn more about Calix's innovation culture, listen to this week's show: Calix’s Evolution Through Innovation.

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