We discuss the Pentagon’s new UFO . . . well . . . UAF report, with CU Boulder’s Center for the Study of Origins Director, Carol Cleland.  Cleland wants the Pentagon to release more data, and for Congress to organize an interdisciplinary Task Force to study it.  Along the way, we also discuss other “UFO … Continue reading "UFO Report – Carol Cleland"

Official UAP Footage from USG

We discuss the Pentagon’s new UFO . . . well . . . UAF report, with CU Boulder’s Center for the Study of Origins Director, Carol Cleland.  Cleland wants the Pentagon to release more data, and for Congress to organize an interdisciplinary Task Force to study it.  Along the way, we also discuss other “UFO Watchers” such as SETI and Metabunk.

Producer: Shelley Schlender

Executive Producer: Joel Parker