Today on How on Earth, Beth speaks with author Roger Briggs about his new book: Emerging World. Briggs explores the evolution of consciousness and shows that this is behind everything humans have done, are now doing, and are capable of in the future. By bringing together knowledge from paleoanthropology, cultural philosophy, cognitive psychology, and evolutionary … Continue reading "Emerging World: A Road Map for a Better World"

Today on How on Earth, Beth speaks with author Roger Briggs about his new book: Emerging World. Briggs explores the evolution of consciousness and shows that this is behind everything humans have done, are now doing, and are capable of in the future. By bringing together knowledge from paleoanthropology, cultural philosophy, cognitive psychology, and evolutionary theory, he makes the case that humanity is now on the verge of a major transformation, a monumental turning point in our story. Emerging World offers a new understanding of our crisis today and points the way to a bright future for humanity and life on our planet. You’ll also hear about new research into the surprising role that the microbiome plays in aging fruit flies. You can find out more about Roger’s ongoing project at his website.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett

Show Producer: Beth Bennett

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