Are you wondering why your tribe are not buying your services?  Do you want to feel in alignment with your offers to your ideal clients, without feeling icky about the sales part?  And would you like much more income than you're currently making?
My special guest Shawn Driscoll, expert Signature System creator - will inspire you to create a program that puts your distinctive talents to work for you, reaching out to many cients at once and positioning you as a go-to authority in your market.  
With Shawn’s insights you can create something people will love and use, something authentic that you are proud to offer. Shawn doesn’t take a cookie-cutter approach to creating programs, but instead presents a unique system for creating effective, ‘hot selling’ Signature Programs based on YOUR talents and YOUR process.
Here’s what we'll be discussing on this show:
What a Signature Program is (and isn’t) and how having one can turn you into a trusted, respected expert while multiplying your income and impactThe keys to Signature Program Success (miss these and you’re program won’t sell or produce real results for your clients) The most effective way to decide what your Signature Program should focus onHow to unlock the ‘magic’ of your one-on-one work and put it into a system you can use in a group setting to ensure you deliver results that are as good as or better than what you accomplish one-on-one with clients. The 3 Most Costly Signature Program Mistakes even the pro’s make and how to avoid them
This information is gold!  I'll 'see' you in the chatroom and on the show!   And remember, we will open up for questions, call in on 347-945 6963 to ask YOUR question so you can create your signature program!