We always remember the story, other details fade but the story always remains.  A compelling story is the core of every successful business and every successful person.
Story-telling is a powerful way to engage and connect with your ideal clients, those prospects who really want to hear your message! 
Lisa Bloom, the Story Coach is the quintessential expert in demonstrating how to use your own story to connect and engage your ideal clients.
She'll be sharing her expertise with us!  You'll learn
How your Story is the Key to discovering your Winning Niche and techniques to do this And How it Makes Marketing Stress FREE How to tap into what your story is Why your Story is CRITICAL to attracting the clients you most want to serve What it means to develop a powerful level of trust with your ideal clients How to show up excited to work and serve your clients every day To increase Client Enrollment exponentially
and more....
AND discover 2 of the worst stories people tell and believe, that actually SCARE clients away!
Lisa Bloom, author and expert in helping entrepreneurs to de-stress their marketing, build their business with confidence and balance by finding their success story, is joining us!