Many folks running their own service based businesses, in the helping and healing professions - run into this very common TRAP!  => Popularity vs Profitability.  

Author and amazing business and SEO coach, Dr Rachna Jain, share a unique perspective on what to be focusing on FIRST to ensure you attract all the clients you want, and having a thriving practice.

Rachna, recently authored a fabulous book especially for the non techie people like us in this community, called Internet Marketing for the Rest of Us.  Called the "Bible" of online business, this book gives you specific and actionable strategies to make your business more visible and more profitable online. 

As Rachna is a qualified therapist, she knows exactly what it's like to be passionate about what we do, and yet struggle with driving visitors to our website and online marketing.  Find out where you should be focusing your energies for a profitable business experience.

Join us for what will be an insightful and definitely informative show!