This is going to be riveting radio interview - we're touching on an area that really needs attention in the coaching, psychology and self-help community, one that our guest is questioning and exploring deeply - so I encourage you to join us.  

I’ll be interviewing special guest - author and psychology professor Todd Kashdan, P.h.D.

His new book The Up Side of your Dark Side, is going to be pushing some buttons in the self-help and ‘law of attraction’ community, but I believe what he is sharing has great significance to deeper healing.

The intro to the book says: …offer a bold stance on the modern quest for happiness through mindfulness, positivity, and optimism: It’s doomed.

Need I say more.

I'll have lots of questions for our esteemed guest!

Come and join us, share your thoughts in the chat room, and get another deeper perspective on healing. Friday, October 17th at 1pm ET  Set a reminder and stick it in your calendar – this is one you’ll want to be on LIVE.

I’ve had the opportunity to meet and hear Todd speak, and he is one to watch!

One thing I’ll just add is that he is an expert in the area of happiness and fulfillment – in case you’re already getting the heeby jeebies. ;)