This show originally scheduled for 31st August is being re-scheduled to 7th September, 3pm EST due to technical issues caused by hurricane Irene (we are safe and sound).  Please join us then.
~ Through Laughter, Silence and Inner Wisdom.
As a heart-centered business owner you might at sometime have thought of using meditation to still the busy-ness of your daily life. You might even be doing it already!  Where-ever you're at, my special guest and wellbeing expert, Pragito Dove will share her wisdom on the power of meditation to support you.  Pragito is one of the leaders in North America to bring meditation from the masters - in particular from Osho in Pune, India.
On this show...
Discover how laughter changes your life Unleash your playfulness and creativity Realize your ability to transform fear into joy Deepen access to your inner silence, wisdom and intuition
If you're feeling overwhelmed, disappointed, fearful or just want to be in a place of acceptance, deep inner knowing or profound joy, Pragito Dove, author of Laughter, Tears, Silence - Expressive Meditations to Calm Your Mind and Open Your Heart, will share the meditative practice to support exactly where you are, so that you can really step into Real World Success, and to be who you truly are at the core.
Find out more about Pragito at or