As a Soulopreneur finances are often a challenge as you're building a new business, you're still learning ropes of putting yourself out there and doing your best to attract clients, and together with that the economy isn't helping any. 
Today financial expert Chellie Campbell, and author of The Wealthy Spirit and Zero to Zillionaire is sharing her secrets to becoming more zen about your finances.  She will be sharing steps you can take so that you can get a hold of your money issues!  Even the ones you're not conscious of!
Part of creating financial stress reductiong is about “Minding Your Money”.  She shares three basic steps:  1) Think Positive  2) Send Out Ships and 3) Count Your Money - that will help you get on the right track.
Join us for a show that will take your money attraction to a different level and expunge those money disorders that are holding you back.  I can't wait to hear Chellie share her wisdom with us!