Next Episode: Energy & Leadership

Our guest Richard Schooping - spiritual teacher, author, singer/composer and speaker, is joining us again to discuss the power of Beliefs, and how we can transcend them, to bring what we desire in this world to fruition. Richard is an amazing man, with many talents, but specifically the talent of speaking to our hearts - having transcending Aids, and showing up as spiritual being living out his life through amazing transformation. He will share that faith, hope, and belief are actually subtle projections that when one is ready, may be transcended. Life does not need to 'believe' as it is too busy being. This will be a powerful show charged with revelations you do not want to miss. We will also play songs from his latest CD and discuss his current creations and projects. Call in to join the conversation on 347-945 6963. A heads up that due to some BTR challenges, we were only able to record half the show. Still worth listening! 100% of Richard for 50% of the time! ;)