Dr Jeanine Austin, celebrity coach to women finding their ultimate purpose, a life full of meaning, connection, humor and compassion - is seriously qualified to be speaking on these topics today! With a Masters in Clinical Social Work, and a Doctorate in Life Coaching - Dr Jeanine will delve into the human power of personality & programming through 2 modalities - Spiral Dynamics, and the Enneagram. Get an understanding of your drivers in life & business! A grasp on your personality type & that of your client (with spiritual underpinnings). And lets discuss whether this truly does impact our choices, and whether we have the power to change! This is going to be a fascinating show - full of learning and self-introspection. If you are a business owner, wanting more insight into how you show up in the world, and the impact that has on your clients - this is a must listen for you!
Call in with your questions on 347-945 6963