This is going to be a fabulous show with Dr Jude Currivan, spiritual author of Hope, Healing our Poeple and Earth.  We get to raise our consciousness, understand the spiritual shift and 2012 implications on how we heal ourselves and our environment in these times of change.
Dr Jude Currivanhas a Masters Degree in Physics specializing in quantum physics and cosmology, a PhD in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies and in the early 1990s was the most senior business woman in the UK.
Dr Currivan will share her understanding of the energetic connections between people and places, how from individuals to nations, past traumas are still embodied in our fear-based behaviors and crucially how we now have the opportunity to heal and release them.
She will share her understanding how our consciousness is now expanding beyond the perceived limits of our personalities to transpersonal levels of awareness through the 8th chakra of the universal heart. And, she will explore how this can put us in touch with the wisdom of our higher selves to help us understand how the insights it reveals to us can be used on personal and collective levels to resolve the causal factors of issues, limiting behaviors and conflicts.
We will also discuss the cosmic connections between astrological influences and the ‘bigger picture’ of what is happening around the world and why 2012 is synchronistically destined to offer us a Shift of collective consciousness - if, as the Mayans say, we choose to do so!.
Join us for a juicy and insightful conversation!