Creating a Niche, is the pivotal key to visibility  and attracting new clients. 

If we really want to be successful in our soul-driven businesses - being tapped into what inspires us, really pulls us towards the results we going for. It means we're able to help more people and be make a comfortable income at the same time.
By choosing a NICHE, it also means we can communicate more clearly with the people we serve best and attract more of our IDEAL clients to us!

I'll share techniques to help you tap into and clarify your passion. And I'll share why being clear on this helps you connect and attract potential clients in ways that traditional marketing cannot.  We get to do it in a way that feels intuitive and with a heart connection.

Join me for a fun and interactive show. And feel free to call in and ask questions during the show. I would love to talk to you.
And if you're someone who is resisting taking this step this show is for you!