I believe there are many of us have a book in us! Are you one? And Summer is the perfect time to get started!  Well you have to start somewhere don't you!? 
My honored guest Lisa Tener, expert book guru and published author, will share why summer is the best time to get started, what 3 things you can do to get started, and find out how to move beyond those blocks.  She'll also give you the key questions to ask yourself before you get started!  Some powerful stuff coming our way!
Lisa Tener, national book writing coach, helps aspiring authors write a nonfiction/how-to book and get published. She has extensive knowledge of what it takes to write a great book, and get 5 and 6 figure book deals.  Her clients have grown their businesses, started new ventures and create their dream lifestyle, through writing a book!
Come and find out what you need to know to get your book started and out into the world!