Working ‘ON’ your Business, Not Just ‘IN’ your Business ~ Creating a Summer Project Plan with Louise Crooks.
Michael Gerber said it so perfectly in his book E-Myth Revisited, that we should be working not only in our business but on it too.  It’s all too easy to get caught up in the day to day details of running our business and working with our clients ~ but are you spending any time on the important projects or goals that are actually going to take your practice to the next level and pull your business to the amazing success you’re going for?  My guess is many of us don’t do this nearly enough. And most of the time we can't see the wood for the trees! So let's clear a path, declutter the mind and create your Summer Project Plan!
So lets have a conversation of what working on your business looks like, and focus on creating some powerful results, while you’re having fun in the sun! Join me, Louise Crooks your host ~ flying solo this week.   I’ll go through a check list of things you might want to be looking at, and I encourage you to call in and share the projects you need focus or guidance on and get all your questions answered. 
Without intention, you’ll keep doing the same stuff day to day, so let’s start creating some intentional results over the summer!