We're continuing the re-runs for a while, starting with the Episode that has had over 8,000 downloads since November 2018!

Jonathan Sherbino discusses a paper on the 'art of observation' and how it can be used to improve observation skills in medical ophthalmology students. Observation is often not provided explicitly so will formal training in the visual arts help to gain observation skills.

Authors: Gurwin J, Revere KE, Niepold S, Bassett B, Mitchell R, Davidson S, DeLisser H, Binenbaum G. 

Publication details: A Randomized Controlled Study of Art Observation Training to Improve Medical Student Ophthalmology Skills. Ophthalmology. 2018 Jan;125(1):8-14.Epub 2017 Aug 7.

View the abstract here

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Jason R. Frank: @drjfrank 

Jonathan Sherbino: @sherbino 

Linda Snell: @LindaSMedEd 

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