Welcome to the Summer of 2022 KeyLIME “re run” series! Over the summer months, we will be re-releasing some of our earliest episodes: Give some old favorites a listen or discover some episodes from our archive you may not have heard yet! 

This week, in summer re run #3, we revist Episode 4, entitled: Perspective: The ACGME Toolbox: Half empty or half full? They examine The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education's (AGME) 'toolbox': assessment tools developed to address the transition to a curriculum designed around defined objectives that a resident must meet in order to successfully complete a residency training program

Green ML et al. Measuring the intensity of resident supervision in the department of veterans affairs: the resident supervision index. Academic Medicine. 2010 May;85(5):787-90. 

View the abstract here

Follow our co-hosts on Twitter!

Jason R. Frank: @drjfrank 

Jonathan Sherbino: @sherbino 

Linda Snell: @LindaSMedEd 

Lara Varpio: @LaraVarpio

Lara Varpio's Disclaimer: The views expressed in this manuscript are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Uniformed Services University of the Unites States Department of Defense. 

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