Rotating through multiple clinical settings is a part of the training experience that has been shown to involve anxiety, high cognitive load, wasted time, disrupted continuity of care, new relationships, and patient safety risks. The study presented in this week's episode looks to determine how we can get better at this, by identifying strategies used by clinical supervisors to support and integrate new trainees they work with. 

Episode length:  34:55

Author: Weise et. al.

Publication: Orientation of medical trainees to a new clinical environment (the ready-steady-go model): a constructivist grounded theory study. BMC Med Ed. (2022) 22:37. 

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Jason R. Frank: @drjfrank 

Jonathan Sherbino: @sherbino 

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Lara Varpio: @LaraVarpio

Lara Varpio's Disclaimer: The views expressed in this manuscript are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Uniformed Services University of the Unites States Department of Defense. 

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Full transcript for this Episode is available upon request.

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