Episode length: 29:02

First two papers reviewed at the AAMC on Nov 29, 2021.

Brondfield S, Lee K, O'Sullivan PS. The Cognitive Load of Inpatient Consults: A Covergent Parallel Mixed Methods Studay Using the Consult Cognitive Load Instrument. Acad Med. 2021;96;S119-S125. Burk-Rafel J, Reinstein I, Feng J, Kim MM, Miller LH, Cocks PM, Marin M, Aphinyanaphongs Y. Development and Validaton of a Machine Learning-Based Decisions Support Tool for Residency Applicant Screening and Review. Acad Med. 2021;96;S54-S61.

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Jason R. Frank: @drjfrank 

Jonathan Sherbino: @sherbino 

Linda Snell: @LindaSMedEd 

Lara Varpio: @LaraVarpio

Lara Varpio's Disclaimer: The views expressed in this manuscript are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Uniformed Services University of the Unites States Department of Defense. 

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Full transcript for this Episode is available upon request.

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