Buyers are specifically looking for a couple of new things this year.

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 Today I want to talk about the top three buyer preferences that sellers should know about. When getting ready to sell your home, buyers are specifically looking for a couple of things this year:
1. Office space. Since COVID, the main thing buyers are now looking for is an office space where they can close the door and have some quiet while they're on Zoom calls. They want a nice background behind them without a lot of clutter.
2. Storage. Buyers want a nice organized storage place. This goes for all kinds of areas such as the garage, in the kitchen, and closets. 
3. Outdoor space. Having a place outside where we can get some fresh air is a huge selling point. These include backyards, a patio, or even a balcony. This is somewhere where people can get out and relax with comfortable furniture, plants, and maybe a barbecue.
If you have any questions or comments, reach out to me either by phone, text, or email. I look forward to talking with you soon.