Nico (Emma Nicolazzo) holds a BA in Music (Music Theatre) from the Australian Institute of Music SYD and a Cert IV performing Arts (Dance) from Brent Street Studios. 

Nico is a seasoned cabaret Veteran who has worked internationally and nationally over the past 7 years. 

 Recently Nico has worked tirelessly to compose and perform two solo shows in comedy cabaret (“I’m not creative, I’ve got bipolar” and “Boys, Boys, Boys”) during the Melbourne international Comedy festival, Melbourne Cabaret festival, a sold out season at Melbourne Fringe Festivaland most recently was a finalist at Short and Sweet Cabaret Festival in Sydney. 

'Nico is wry, gutsy and says everything you probably shouldn't' - VICE MAGAZINE

Emma has recently taken on her biggest role yet, the role of a new mum. She is currently working on a new show in Sydney whilst gigging, Running her Children’s and Corporate entertainment Company “Let’s Get Loud Entertainment co” , and teaching weekly classes in Music Theatre, Drama, Piano and Singing. Nico likes to keep her classes’ fresh and exiting whilst still keeping the main focus on skill and technique. She loves all things glitter, lace, red, pink, 80s, vintage, french and long walks on the beach.

"An astute performer that brings a charming Aussie twang to her songs (like a mix of Missy Higgins and Amy Winehouse)'"-4Stars THEMUSIC.COM


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