Nearly 5.5 Million people in USA are living with Alzheimer's. This isn't something you wake up one day and find out you've lost your marbles! Many drugs seem to be counterproductive but the dialogue is finally opening with a lifestyle and dietary intervention to address the causes of cognitive decline with age. 

Amy Berger, Master's in Human Nutrition from University of Bridgeport, is a Certified Nutrition Specialist(CNS), certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner(NTP) and writer of 'The Alzheimer's Antidote' which explores a metabolic and lifestyle intervention approach to fighting Alzheimer's disease, memory loss and cognitive decline. Alongside, she's a fantastic human being with a wonderful personality! 

In this podcast we explore her narrative of how she got into the low-carb lifestyle, the issues with current Alzheimer's treatment and medication, the role of insulin resistance in cognitive decline, role of a low carb diet in this situation, symptoms of cognitive decline, interventions that can help or impair, negative effects of Statins, and why the paradigm is starting to shift towards people empowering themselves through public educators, writers and social media. We conclude with her message to all and why it's important to maintain reason and sanity when sometimes the pendulum can swing too far in one direction. 

Her website is Tuit Nutrition:

Buy 'The Alzheimer's Antidote' on Amazon:

Twitter: @TuitNutrition